Round 37 is an OPEN Grant Round - applicants from low- and middle-income countries (as categorized by The World Bank) are welcome to apply.

Please read through the Call for Proposals and the guidance information before submitting a Project Idea. 

Tobacco Industry Interference Grants: If you are interested in our Tobacco Industry Interference Grants Program, please visit the or email For applicants that wish to include countering tobacco industry interference within a longer-term, policy-focused project, please apply to the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Strategic and Open Grants Rounds as per the instructions on this page.

For applicants interested applying for a Cessation Grant, please visit

Apply For A Grant

Applying with Fluxx

We use an application system called 'Fluxx' to process project ideas. You will be required to have an account on Fluxx in order to submit an application, even if you have submitted an application to the Grants Program before.

If you have previously registered within Fluxx, you will not be required to re-register. Simply login with your username and password to submit your project idea application.

Please allow at least 2 working days before submitting your application to register as all registrations need to be reviewed and processed by our administrative staff. If you plan to submit an application and have not yet registered, we encourage you to start this registration process as early as possible. For further assistance, please review the "guidance" section below on how to register and/or submit an application through Fluxx. 

Resources for Round 37

Call for Proposals in 5 languages


  • Getting Started: a step by step guide to submitting a project idea (pdf 875 Kb)

  • Fluxx Video Tutorial

  • Considerations of an effective proposal (pdf 85 Kb)

  • Budget Example for Project Ideas (xls 19Kb)

Application From Template

  • Project Idea form (word 93KB) (for offline drafting only, please submit using online form)

Submit a Project Idea