Submit a Project Idea
Please read through the Call for Proposals for the criteria for eligibility, and information on Applying for a Grant which contains guidance documentation and examples of how to submit a Project Idea.
To Access the Online Project Idea Form:
Click on the link below to set up an account and begin completing your Project Idea proposal.
(Please note that there may be a slight delay for the online form to load on your web browser.)
Please see step 8 if you have already started a proposal and wish to return to it.
Project Submission Steps
Yes, I have
You will need to have access to the email address and password you used to create your Account previously. Correspondence will be sent to the email address of the Primary Contact, which may be different than the user account email address. Please make sure you also have access to both email accounts when the outcome correspondence is sent out.
No, I have not
When you start to develop your Project Idea form, you will be given the opportunity to create a new account.
Step 1:
Have you submitted a Project Idea through a previous round of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program?
To create an account you simply click on the 'Create an account now' button at the bottom-right of the page, which will take you to the Eligibilty Quiz and Registration Form.
If you do not meet the criteria for eligibility, please re-read the Call for Proposals for information on eligibility. If you have read through the Call for Proposals and still need assistance with your eligibility, please email
Once you have submitted your registration form, we will need to process it to provide you with your log-in details. We will send you an email once this process is complete. This can take up to 2 working days so please allow plenty of time before you submit your application.
Step 2:
Create a New Account / Signing into a current account
Step 3:
Log in to your account and access the Project Idea form
When you have logged in to your account, select the 'Apply for Funding' option on the left hand side, and then 'Apply for Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Grants Program'. This will take you to the online application form.
At the bottom of each of the pages you will see options to 'Save and Continue' or 'Save and Close'.
We recommend you click ‘Save and Continue’ at regular intervals in case of any internet problems you may have. This will save your application and allow you to continue filling it out.
When completed, press ‘Save and Close’. This will save all the information you have entered but will not submit your application.
Provided you have clicked one of the above options you may return to the website and log in to your account to continue to work on any saved draft applications. Simply click the 'Edit' button at the top right of the page.
Step 4:
Saving your work
Once you have selected 'Save and Close' you will be given the chance to review your application. If you would like to make any edits, click on the 'Edit' button at the top right of the page.
If you have missed out any of the required fields, marked in bold, these will be highlighted for you if you attempt to save. Please complete these fields and once again click on the 'Save and Close' button at the bottom the page.
Step 5:
Reviewing your work
When you are ready to submit your form, simply click on 'Submit' at the bottom right of the page. Please note this option will not appear unless you have already selected 'Save and Close'.
Step 6:
Submitting your Project Idea
Step 7:
Your Project Idea has been Submitted
You will be returned to your account page and see the message 'Grant request was successfully updated'. You will also receive an email acknowledging that your Project Idea has been successfully submitted.
You can review your application and make edits prior to the deadline by logging into your account and selecting 'Submitted Requests' on the left hand menu.
Step 8:
Opening up a current Project Idea
Project Ideas cannot be accepted via email or after the deadline.
For applicants interested in proposing a short-term project up to 6 months long that focuses primarily on identifying, exposing, and countering tobacco industry activity that undermines tobacco control measures, please consider applying for a Tobacco Industry Interference Grant. For more information about Tobacco Industry Interference Grants visit and download the application packet here. For applicants that wish to include countering tobacco industry interference within a longer-term, policy-focused project, please apply to the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use Strategic and Open Grant Rounds following instructions at